Introduction to Swift Programming Language

Introduction to Swift Programming Language Part -2

         In this section i am going to explain the syntax and some rules of writing the code in swift compare to objective-C. 

         As we already know that the swift remove the some library from the objective-C so before start writing code in swift you need to

         1. Variable Declaration

              In case of Objective-C
                   NSString *myString = @"Hello Iphone.";

              In case of Swift
                   var myString = "Hello Iphone."

2.  Constant Declaration -

              In case of Swift
                   let kSomeConstant = 40 

let kSomeConstant: Int = 40

         3.  Array Declaration -


              In case of Swift
                   var colorsArray = ["Blue", "Red", "Green", "Yellow"]

var colorsDictionary = ["PrimaryColor":"Green", "SecondaryColor":"Red"]


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