AngularJS - MVC Architecture

Model View Controller or MVC as it is famously called, is a product configuration design for creating web applications. A Model View Controller example is comprised of the accompanying three sections:

          Model - It is the most minimal level of the example in charge of looking after information.

         View - It is in charge of showing all or a part of the information to the client.

         Controller - It is a product Code that controls the co-operations between the Model and View.

MVC is mainstream on the grounds that it confines the application rationale from the client interface layer and backings division of concerns. The controller gets all solicitations for the application and afterward lives up to expectations with the model to set up any information required by the perspective. The perspective then uses the information arranged by the controller to create a last satisfactory reaction. The MVC deliberation can be graphically spoken to as takes after.

angular.js tutorial example code

The Model

The model is in charge of overseeing application information. It reacts to the solicitation from perspective and to the guidelines from controller to overhaul itself.

The View

A presentation of information in a specific arrangement, activated by the controller's choice to present the information. They are script-based format frameworks, for example, JSP, ASP, PHP and simple to incorporate with AJAX innovation.

The Controller

The controller reacts to client include and performs connections on the information model items. The controller gets info, accepts it, and afterward performs business operations that alter the condition of the information model. 

AngularJS is a MVC based system. In the impending sections, we will perceive how AngularJS utilizes MVC technique.


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